The United Methodist House is responsible to the Western Pennsylvania and Upper New York Conferences of the United Methodist Church. The house is governed by a board of trustees representing the two Conferences and the Chautauqua community. Members of the board are elected at an annual meeting of the House, held on the Wednesday of Week 3 of the Chautauqua season. All members of the House are welcome to attend that meeting and take part in setting the directions for the House's work. The qualification for membership is a (tax-deductible) donation to the House at some time during the year.
At the 2021 annual meeting, a new president of the board was elected: Rev. Chuck Smith (right), of East Randolph United Methodist Church in western New York state. He succeeds Brenda Baird of Trinity UMC, Grand Island, New York, who served from 2014 to 2021.
The current officers are below. They were elected at the 2022 annual meeting.
- Chuck Smith – President
- To Be Determined by the Board – Vice President
- Cindy Hinsdale – Secretary
- Mike Paine – Treasurer