Annual Meeting of The United Methodist House

July 14, 2021

In Attendance:      Brenda Baird; Larry Baird; Suzanne Block; Dr. Roger Brumagin; Debbie Caruso; Michael Corey; Bob Douds; Karen Douds; Karen Heitzenrater; Richard P. Heitzenrater; Cindy Hinsdale; Conrad Howard; Barry Lewis; Jim Metzger; Lee Mount; Michael Paine; Carmen Perry; Judie Peterson; Cindy Shuff; Dave Shuff; Barbara Stearns; Paul Sweet; Clara Wilder; J. Paul Womack

Excused:               Chuck Smith, Carolyn Stow

Brenda called the meeting to order at 4:00pm

UM House Chaplain of the Week Jeff Edwards opened the meeting with prayer.

Minutes from the 2020 Annual meeting were accepted as presented.

Michael Corey gave the finance report:

  • The UM House has a profit of $10,000.00 for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2021. This profit is accounted for by revenue in April for summer season deposits and low expenses due to the COVID-19 shut down.
  • $10,000.00 had been withdrawn from the UM House Endowment Fund; the finance committee is hoping to replenish the Endowment fund with that amount.
  • Currently, the UM House has a balance of $180,000.00 in its endowment
  • The finance committee recommended the following budget:
    • $90,300.00 in Income
    • $62,960 in expenses
    • Profit of $27,340.00
  • There are no planned capital projects and the finance committee accounted for an increase of repairs/expenses due to increased use of the UM House.
  • The Finance Committee made a motion to accept the budget; the motion passed.

Conrad Howard presented the report for the Property Committee

  • A new fire alarm system, that is monitored 24 hours per day, was installed
  • While the UM House was empty, the property committee had people who checked on the house each week.
  • The gas dryer was replaced.
  • The Fall Work Weekend will be October 28-29, 2021
  • The goal for this upcoming year is to keep the UM House going.
  • Conrad offered thanks to Brenda, Karen, Bob, Debbie, Cindy Peacock, and the cleaning crew for their continued work on behalf of The UM House.

Lee Mount offered the Communications Report

  • Chris Redmond will continue to care for The UM House website
  • Bob Douds will need a successor to take his place keeping The UM House Facebook page up to date.
  • The Communications team will need a new editor for the newsletter and will need to elect a new chairperson of the committee.

Brenda reported for The Ministry Committee

  • The Ministry Committee has no official chairperson
  • The chaplains for the 2021 summer season have been selected
  • In The UM House Bylaws, the Ministry Committee acts as the personnel committee; this function will need to resume moving forward in order to bring The UM House into compliance with its bylaws.

Karen and Bob Douds offered the Host Couple’s Report:

  • The house is popping along
  • Karen was told that The UM House had the highest percentage registration rate of all the denominational houses.
  • None of The UM House programs have been canceled.
  • Each week throughout the season, Karen and Bob have been receiving gifts from the Board of Trustees of The United Methodist House.

Recognition of Service:

  • Brenda recognized Karen and Bob Douds for their work as the host couple.

Brenda presented the Nominations Committee Report:

  • The following trustees are coming off the board this year: Brenda Baird; Lee Mount; Carolyn Stow; and Carmen Perry (by virtue of her ex-officio position). Brenda presented gifts to Lee and Carmen
  • Michael Corey presented Brenda with notes that had been written by Board members and with a special gift
  • The Board of Trustees members for the class of 2024 are: John A. Jackson; Paul Sweet; and Clara Wilder

Brenda called for a motion to accept the nominations for the class of 2024; Roger moved; Lee seconded; the motion carried

Brenda named the following nominees for officers of the Board of Trustees:

            Chuck Smith-President; Barry Lewis-Vice President; Cindy Hinsdale-Secretary; Michael Corey-Treasurer

Brenda asked for a motion to accept these nominees as officers; Lee moved, John seconded; motion carried

Brenda adjourned the meeting with a reading of “Bear Says Thanks” at 4:45pm

The next annual meeting will be held on July 13, 2022 at 4:00pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Rev. Carmen L. Perry